
Comment on Forward/Backward keys of Thinkpad

This is my comment on Internet Browser Keys Poll of Lenovo design blog and you can read Back and Forward Again for more background information.


The layout of the forward/backward key is totally wrong. Forward/Backward keys of Thinkpad Just like the previous post shown, it's always inflame me. The keys(arrow keys and f/b keys) are so small and every time I move cursor when I enter some thing may cause my post disappeared. It can be even worse for the Chinese users. Most IME use shift as a switch of english/chinese mode, and press right shift will also accident touch the fucking backward key! I hate them at all!

And it's too silly to force the users disable them in the keyboard customizer, in fact, I only know them when I read this post, and 90% users will never know how to disable this damn feature!

Finally I'm so disappointed that who visit this site are mostly the fans of thinkpad and tend to conservative.

I would say my opinion loudly: it's not about the usefulness of the browser keys, it's all about the silly layout and design of those keys! Who design that should eat their own dogshit!

Chinese Kungfu Emperor KO Google Blogger

It's near 3 month since my last update. Some of my laziness, but the most important reason is Blogger has been knocked out by Chinese Kungfu Emperor (my translation from "功夫王", which is a nickname of GFW, another nickname of it is Mitten Crab King -- "河蟹王", we invent these names because "GFW" may be GFWed too --- for example, search "GFW" in google.cn only returns 48 results, but search in google.com returns 4,110,000 results).

It's not only a shame but also a pride that GFW can do what seaquake can't do. I am shocked when I finally realize that.

But there is also some good news, wikipedia can be accessed from China now, but we don't know what happened, we don't know what will happen. Someone believe they the Chinese network 007s are adjusting the configuration or testing some new weapons. Anyhow, that give me a naive hope that blogger will be back in some day. Yes, that's impossible isn't it? Currently, inblogs.net provide a alternative entry to my blog, though I still need tor to login blogger and post new articles.
